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Found 25400 results for any of the keywords regulatory disclosures. Time 0.056 seconds.
EL RatingsCrisil’s INFRA Expected Loss ratings complement conventional credit ratings (based on the probability of default approach) by taking into account the specificities of operational infrastructure projects that contribute t
Insurance hybridsThe Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) had allowed insurance companies to raise non-equity forms of capital such as subordinated debt or preference shares that would be eligible as capital for computat
Real estate investment trusts (REITs) and infrastructure investmeReal estate investment trusts (REITs) and infrastructure investment trusts (InvITs) are innovative vehicles that allow developers to monetise revenue-generating real estate and infrastructure assets, while enabling inves
Structured FinanceCRISIL’s ratings on Pass Through Certificates(PTCs) indicates the relative degree of risk associated with timely servicing of financial obligations on the PTCs, as per the terms of the securitisation transaction.
Independent Credit EvaluationThee Reserve Bank of India, through its February 2018 circular, ‘Resolution of Stressed Assets – Revised Framework’, came up with guidelines , for the Independent Credit Evaluation of the residual debt for resolution pla
New ProductsKnow more about REITs/InvITs - optons for investment n real estate, Infra EL - independent assessment of lenders in the infra space and Insurance Hybrids - financial strength rating for Insurance companies
Financial Sector RatingsCRISIL Ratings rates a large number of financial sector entities, including banks and non-banking financial institutions, housing finance companies, securities firms, etc.
Corporate Sector RatingsCRISIL pioneered the first corporate sector rating in 1988. Today, one out of every two companies in India is rated by CRISIL. We have an unmatched coverage of about 70 sectors belonging to 22 industry groups.
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